I woke up around 11:00 this morning and I was supposed to call my boyfriend as usual. I talked to him for a little while. Blah, blah, blah. I loafed around for a while until about 3:00 when I realized I had no clean work clothes and I had to be at work at 5:00. Panic. I threw my shirts in the wash but not my pants because they are black (my shirts are white). I ended up wearing the pants I wore yesterday (gross, I know). My shirts weren't completely dry after going through the dryer twice, and the clock was ticking. I ended up wearing a damp shirt to work. Jennifer, one of the front-end supervisors, was in total bitch mode today. Work went by somewhat quickly.
I was going to fast today, but I had work and I was already feeling like shit beforehand so I had some oatmeal. I burned it all off. I really hope I lose by tomorrow - I'm so sick of maintaining.
My boyfriend is definitely coming up to see me on Thursday. Now he wants to get a room at a hotel but I don't know if we can because you have to be 21 to make a reservation and have a credit card. I have a debit card, but no money on it. He has all the money in cash. So I don't think that's going to happen.
Such a boring post, I know.
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