Today I maintained my weight from yesterday, and I wanted to try harder so I don't fall back into a rapid weight-loss pattern. So my mom had to take my little brother to school for his midterms and we stopped at a Wawa (it's a small food/convenient store) on the way back. I got a blueberry muffin and a bottle of their cookies & cream milk. Together those two things have more calories in them than I've consumed every day this week put together. Frightening. I couldn't stomach it all at first. I thought it would be much easier than that. Eventually, within a few hours, I finished both. Then, to make it worse, my little brother ordered a pizza and I decided to challenge myself more. TOO MUCH. I was in so much pain from eating three slices. I've eaten a little over 2000 calories today, more than I've had in about three weeks worth of food. I will probably gain again tomorrow.
Tomorrow I go to work and get my paycheck (yes!) and my schedule for next week. I'm planning on buying diuretics, depending on how expensive they are. I'm not going to go crazy, I'll just take a couple when I'm bloated or drink too much. Kind of would have helped me today. For some reason I stepped on the scale about an hour ago and +3 pounds. I know it's not real weight, but at least one pound is. Maybe even two. Who knows.
A lot of other things happened today, but I'm really tired and I have to get up for work tomorrow so if I feel like it I'll post tomorrow night.
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