Just another day

Posted by Spammychic On Monday, January 24, 2011 0 comments

I'm so tired lately.  Today I maintained... I think it's because it's "that time of the month" and it's getting on my nerves.  I burned off what I ate today and then some.  It's so easy to eat less while I'm working.  I just have a diet coke on my break (which is somewhat uncomfortable because I have to scarf it down in fifteen minutes).  I weighed myself a little bit ago.  I usually don't weigh myself at night but I did today because I didn't eat a lot and whatever.  But it said I gained a pound which I really hope isn't true, but it's probably just water weight (crossing my fingers).  Unfortunately it looks like I may be maintaining again tomorrow...

My boyfriend is coming up to see me on Thursday so I will be spending the day with him.  Oh boy.  He wasn't really annoying today, to my surprise.  He let me get off the phone when I called him after work because I was so tired, even though I have yet to go to bed.  Yeah, that was about three hours ago.  Oh well.  I really didn't feel like talking.

Work was boring.  It's so dead in there most of the time that I have to make things up to do just to keep my sanity.  I felt like shit though because I forgot to take another Advil for my cramps before I went in.  Luckily it went away after about two hours.  No really annoying customers today.

I just spent thirty minutes plucking my eyebrows for the first time in God knows how long.  I think one is shorter than the other, but I can't make them even now because it would look retarded.  Oh well, I suck at that.

My life is pretty boring right now.


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