Okay. Well, today was very interesting. I'm kind of seeing this guy Joe, but not technically officially because I haven't seen him in a while (we've dated before). Well, he's in Philly right now and he needs to get some money to come up and see me. I like him, but he calls me 24/7 and gets mad when I don't call him right back and stupid stuff like that. It's really annoying. He's very clingy, which is actually a huge turn-off for me, but I have a problem saying that to guys. So I dunno. Basically all I did all day was talk to him on the phone a million times, in between eating (yes, eating!) small things here and there.
My weight maintained from yesterday, which was sort of a disappointment. I'm scared I might gain by tomorrow because I had almost 700 calories today, and no exercise. I feel horrible. This is because I didn't go to work today. Tomorrow I work from 12-5 but that means I'll be home for dinner (groan) so that's not good... I hate it when my mom's boyfriend comes over because that's the only time she ever cooks anything. She's underweight herself, and she barely eats and she's always complaining that she's dizzy and, "Oh my God, I'm just gonna die! I haven't eaten since yesterday morning when I had half a bagel!" (She's very dramatic.)
My older brother is really pissing me off, as always. He always has to start some stupid fucking shit over nothing. It's ridiculous. I just want to fucking strangle him sometimes, UGH!!!! He gets on my fucking nerves so bad, I just want to punch him in the fucking face, I can't stand him at all. God. Sorry, I just really don't like him...
Anyway, that's pretty much it. More tomorrow or whenever I suppose.
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